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MPs launch Faith in the Future report

MPs launch Faith in the Future report

Despite unprecedented levels of financial security and good health, Britons are no happier today than fifty years ago.  

This is the key finding of a report on well-being launched today by a cross-party group of MPs. Faith in the Future has been written by Gary Streeter, Steve Webb, Andy Reed, Alistair Burt and Caroline Spelman after a two-year process of consultation with church leaders and policy experts.

In the foreword, the MPs state that "Given all the advances of recent years, we seek to understand why a sense of human wellbeing – happiness if you like – is not more widespread."

Speaking ahead of today's launch, Steve Webb MP explained: "Our analysis led us to conclusions that it was the erosion of certain key values that was undermining our potential for individual and corporate flourishing.”

Instead of new legislation or further funding, the MPs have proposed a five-fold test to be used in assessing future action and policies.

“The evidence presented to us during the eighteen months of our inquiry has led us to identify some guiding principles for what it means to flourish as a human being,” they explain. “We have formulated those principles into a number of defining questions to be asked of society’s various ‘stakeholders’.”

The questions are:

•    Does my action encourage people to develop positive relationships in their families and communities?

•    Is my action socially and globally responsible?

•    Does my action promote a climate of trust and hope?

•    Does my action promote self-esteem and respect for others?

•    Does my action encourage people to fulfil their God-given potential?

The questions arise from their shared faith-perspective, but the authors believe that the principles are ones that people of all faiths and of none can agree to.

They consider this to be a hopeful report, and believe it provides a vision of a future that is not only brighter, but within our reach.

Steve Webb MP commented:

"This is an optimistic report full of faith about what the future of the country could be. We invite the church in this country to be more positive and to advocate for the widespread application of these values."

To read the report, click here.

Elizabeth Oldfield

Elizabeth Oldfield

Elizabeth is host of The Sacred podcast. She was Theos’ Director from August 2011 – July 2021. She appears regularly in the media, including BBC One, Sky News, and the World Service, and writing in The Financial Times.

Watch, listen to or read more from Elizabeth Oldfield

Posted 11 August 2011


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