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Charity and the State: Who should pay for our welfare?

Charity and the State: Who should pay for our welfare?

Theos and St. Bride's Church, Fleet Street, tonight joined together to host the Theos Debate on the role of charity and the state, as part of a programme celebrating the 50th anniversary of St. Bride’s dedication following its destruction in the Blitz.

Michael Brophy, former CEO of the Charities Aid Foundation, gave a keynote speech, exploring the balance of responsibilities between the state and charities, arguing that there was a need to shift responsibility and autonomy from the former to the latter.

George Pitcher, curate at St. Bride's then chaired a panel debate, with Michael Brophy; Nick Spencer, Director of Studies at Theos, John Glen, Senior Manager in Accenture's in-house think tank, and Catherine May, Group Director of Corporate Affairs at Centrica.

The debate was wide-ranging, covering areas as different the Payroll Deduction Scheme to the potential impact of climate change. 

Elizabeth Oldfield

Elizabeth Oldfield

Elizabeth is host of The Sacred podcast. She was Theos’ Director from August 2011 – July 2021. She appears regularly in the media, including BBC One, Sky News, and the World Service, and writing in The Financial Times.

Watch, listen to or read more from Elizabeth Oldfield

Posted 11 August 2011


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