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Spirit of Christmas is alive and well, new poll reveals

Spirit of Christmas is alive and well, new poll reveals

8 out of 10 people think that celebrating the birth of Christ is still an important part of Christmas, according to a new opinion poll published today by Theos, the public theology think tank.

The poll carried out by CommunicateResearch also reveals that around 90% of people think that Christmas is too commercialised.

The publication of the poll comes as politicians, commentators and faith leaders have criticised reported attempts to ‘secularise’ Christmas and it was revealed that Cathedrals are organising extra carol services to cope with increased demand.

In the poll 86% of people said that spending time with family and friends was the best thing about Christmas, compared with 7% who said time off work, 3% who said food and drink and only 2% who said presents.

Financial pressures are the worst thing about Christmas according to 43%, compared with 26% who said the absence of loved ones, 18% who said eating and drinking too much and 7% who said family arguments.

62% of people said that Christmas makes them think about spiritual things and 77% said that Christmas makes them think about what is important to them.

Commenting on the results of the poll, the Director of Theos, Paul Woolley, said:

“There is an annual rash of ‘winterval’ and ‘political correctness gone mad’ stories, but the results of this poll reflect what’s really going on in the UK.

“The majority of people are more inspired by the values of faith, family and friends than is often imagined.

“Underneath the consumerism associated with the modern Christmas, there are deeper values at play which contribute to our wellbeing as individuals and a society.”

CommunicateResearch telephoned 1000 adults throughout Great Britain between 8th and 10th December 2006.  Data were weighted to be representative of all GB adults.  CommunicateResearch is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

For a breakdown of all the results, click below.


Full poll tables

Elizabeth Oldfield

Elizabeth Oldfield

Elizabeth is host of The Sacred podcast. She was Theos’ Director from August 2011 – July 2021. She appears regularly in the media, including BBC One, Sky News, and the World Service, and writing in The Financial Times.

Watch, listen to or read more from Elizabeth Oldfield

Posted 11 August 2011


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