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A refreshing start

A refreshing start

Commuters travelling into London’s major train stations were this morning offered complimentary bottles of Theos water in order to advertise the launch of the new public theology think tank.

The publicity stunt was not only designed to raise awareness of Theos but encourage commuters to engage in a serious debate about the role of faith in society on the think tank’s website.

Commenting on the initiative, the Director of Theos, Paul Woolley, said:

“It is clear that society is embarking on a process of rapid de-secularisation. Interest in spirituality is increasing across Western culture. Faith is firmly on the agenda of both government and the media, and we want to engage the public in a discussion around questions of knowledge, belief and religion.”

“We hope that people will log onto our website, not simply as spectators but as active participants in this debate.”

Go to The Current Debate to join in the debate about Richard Dawkins’ latest book, The God Delusion.

Elizabeth Oldfield

Elizabeth Oldfield

Elizabeth is host of The Sacred podcast. She was Theos’ Director from August 2011 – July 2021. She appears regularly in the media, including BBC One, Sky News, and the World Service, and writing in The Financial Times.

Watch, listen to or read more from Elizabeth Oldfield

Posted 11 August 2011


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