Restored, and was President of the Law Society of England and Wales in 2014/2015.

David McIlroy is barrister and Visiting Professor, CCLS, Queen Mary University of London.


" /> Restored, and was President of the Law Society of England and Wales in 2014/2015.

David McIlroy is barrister and Visiting Professor, CCLS, Queen Mary University of London.


" /> Restored, and was President of the Law Society of England and Wales in 2014/2015.

David McIlroy is barrister and Visiting Professor, CCLS, Queen Mary University of London.


" />


Andrew Caplen and David McIlroy

Andrew Caplen is co–Director of Restored, and was President of the Law Society of England and Wales in 2014/2015.

David McIlroy is barrister and Visiting Professor, CCLS, Queen Mary University of London.


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